Optimization of geometric parameters of power transformer using bee’s algorithm

S. Rodríguez *, N. Sánchez, D. Gómez

Faculty of Engineering and Design and Innovation, Politécnico Grancolombiano, Bogotá, Colombia


In the last decades, nature-based optimization algorithms had many applications in many areas such as nonlinear problem solution, optimization problems, power device placement, control applications, and other cases. In each optimization algorithm, two features are important. The first one is an exploration feature and the second one is an extraction feature. Bee’s algorithm is one of the most effective and powerful nature-based optimization algorithms that has introduced in recent years. In this paper, we proposed the application of bee’s algorithm to the optimal design of three-phase power transformers. The three-phase power transformers have a vital role in power networks. In the proposed method, geometric parameters of three-phase power transformers have been optimized by the bee’s algorithm. The finding of the relation between the geometric parameters and transformer formulation is the main step in the proposed method. More details about the proposed method are described in the body of the paper. For simulating the proposed method, MATLAB software is used. Simulation results show that the proposed optimization technique has excellent performance.


Bee’s algorithm, Transformer, Convergence, Optimization, Geometric

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Article history

Received 20 February 2019, Received in revised form 6 June 2019, Accepted 11 June 2019

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Rodríguez S, Sánchez N, and Gómez D (2019). Optimization of geometric parameters of power transformer using bee’s algorithm. Annals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2(7): 7-10

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