On the impact of variable in wireless power transfer system using a robust design method

M. Abadi *, B. Haddad

Electrical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq


Our purpose is to consider Wireless Power Transfer (WPT). WPT is the transmission of electrical energy without wires as a physical link. Strategic development of the WPT is based on statistical analysis using the Taguchi method. The purpose of the Taguchi method in this work is to reduce the number of experiments in WPT. WPT is a process of transmitting electrical energy from one point to another point without using cables. Several parameters have been identified to perform WPT which includes input voltage, inductor, size of cable and capacitor. Statistically, to produce all of the parameters with an example of four parameters will require 256 numbers of experiments. Referring to the Taguchi method in the array orthogonal, the number of experiments is reduced to 16 experiments. The cost of the experiment can be reduced based on the analysis by Taguchi method. In this experiment, the WPT will be elaborated based on the distance and amount of power. The light of 5V led light is used as an indicator in this experiment. The technique using in the WPT system is an inductive coupling.


Wireless power transfer, Coupling, Taguchi method, Array orthogonal

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Article history

Received 15 February 2019, Received in revised form 5 June 2019, Accepted 10 June 2019

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How to cite

Abadi M and Haddad B (2019). On the impact of variable in wireless power transfer system using a robust design method. Annals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2(7): 1-6

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