Utilizing analytical hierarchy process and smart techniques in fault detection in electrical power networks

L. Zhao, P. Zhang, J. Huang *

School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China


In this study a smart hybrid technique is presented to detect faults in electrical power networks. The accurate and automatic recognition of faults in electrical power networks has vital importance. The goal of accurate and automatic recognition of faults in electrical power networks is to control and monitor the system that giving security to final users for stable voltage and normal condition. To solve the fault recognition problem in power networks, it has been considered a synergy among optimization, state space and analytical approach by building an algorithm for its solution. In the first step, state space module executes through oscillation signaled using its output, an analysis with relation to the direction of fault in each appurtenance of the power network. The state space can determine the accurate direction of the disturbance. The final task in fault recognition is done by the optimization module and analytical module. In the proposed method, the location and class will be determined. To test the performance of the proposed hybrid method, we used some electrical power networks. The obtained results show that the proposed method has high accuracy in fault recognition of electrical power networks.


State space, Fault, Power network, Optimization, Recognition

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Article history

Received 5 January 2019, Received in revised form 22 March 2019, Accepted 10 April 2019

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Zhao L, Zhang P, and Huang J (2019). Utilizing analytical hierarchy process and smart techniques in fault detection in electrical power networks. Annals of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2(5): 19-25

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